The Funny Farm


The animals in Gordon Perry’s The Funny Farm do some really weird things – cows lay eggs, rabbits fly and fish walk around on legs. But way ’till you find out how they got that way!

The Fickle Fairy is on the lookout for boys and girls who act like animals themselves and do dumb things that maybe they wouldn’t do if they thought more about it. One touch of the magic wand and it could be off to the Funny Farm for you too!

Reminiscent of some entertaining cautionary tales by Hilaire Belloc, The Funny Farm has the added delight of smile-inducing illustrations by Janice Blaine, a well known Alberta artist whose pictures often tell their own stories.

Altogether a delightful book for reading, listening and having just plain fun, while conveying a gentle message: “If you act like an animal – Look Out!!”

